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The combined aviary system for rearing and egg production: developed in cooperation with Claessens-Jenniskens Pluimveebedrijven

The current egg production standard is to separate the rearing and production phases. The new NATURA Life concept, which Big Dutchman developed in close collaboration with the owners of Dutch family farm Claessens-Jenniskens Pluimveebedrijven, provides an option for keeping birds in the same group for their entire lives. No transportation is necessary until the end of the hens’ life cycles. The NATURA Life concept emphasises welfare, health, productivity and sustainability. At the core lies a (cage-free) laying aviary that can be expanded by additional equipment for rearing.

Важливі переваги

  • the batch can be started with either hatching eggs or day-old chicks;
  • the birds remain in the same environment for their entire lives;
  • no moves between rearing and laying houses are necessary, i.e. little stress for the farmer and the flock;
  • the chicks develop well and quickly;
  • uniform hygiene conditions in the house reduce the risk of infections;
  • the nest can be opened at the ideal time to prepare for the laying period so the hens mislay few eggs;
  • no disadvantages during egg production because of the clever design of the aviary.

My Big Dutchman

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