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Relax 2

The colony nest with divided roof and nest locking mechanism

Relax 2 is an automatic colony nest that poultry farmers are already using very successfully. The nest has been developed specifically to meet the needs of broiler breeders and to generate a high hatching egg quality. The back wall automatically closes the nest after the laying phase. This ensures that the nest remains clean and that the hens do not brood there. The almost screwless snap-on system allows for quick and easy assembly.

Важливі переваги

  • use of high-quality materials and a perforated nest insert made of plastic: high nest acceptance;
  • nest depth of 45 cm: eggs have a short rolling-off distance;
  • clever nest design without wood: optimal hygiene and cleaning;
  • divided and very light nest roof: easy inspection of nest and egg belt;
  • solid nest legs made of plastic: no danger of corrosion;
  • egg channel available in two widths: 400 mm or 500 mm or with divided egg belt (2 x 200 mm).

Manure pit with plastic slats

Flexible setting up, an option for every house type

To improve the hygiene inside the house, part of the building should be used as manure pit and equipped with slats (where possible made of plastic). Droppings can be stored here while the birds are inside the house and can then be removed after each batch. The correct design (width and height) of the manure pit is especially important to make sure that the hens can easily reach the nest when they leave the litter area via the manure pit.

Важливі переваги

  • comfortable and soft anti-slip surface: secure foothold for the birds, easy mating, healthy feet;
  • small surface area similar to wire flooring: good manure penetration, slat stays clean during the batch;
  • no sharp edges and corners, i.e. no risk of injuries or breast bruises;
  • no contact surface between the slats: prevention of hotbeds for mites and other vermin, easy and thorough cleaning;
  • simple and rapid installation.

Nesca 2

The poultry scales for automatic weight determination

Nesca 2 is the newly developed and patented Big Dutchman poultry scales that are integrated into the colony nest. The scales automatically determine the weight of hens that visit the nest to lay their eggs. Nesca 2 records the largest possible range of weights of a great number of hens, whether they are heavy, light or “lazy” (i.e. not moving about much), without requiring any additional effort from the staff.

Важливі переваги

  • automatic weight determination;
  • number of manual weighings can be reduced to make work easier and to save time;
  • the period for weighing can be defined individually, for example before feeding or during the main laying phase;
  • automatic differentiation between males and females during weighing.


The automatic belt system for manure removal from houses with manure pits

SIMBA, a new system for manure removal via a single-layer belt developed by Big Dutchman, removes manure – usually stored below the slats in the manure pit – from the house at regular intervals. This significantly reduces ammonia emissions and thus improves the environment in the house. The low jump height additionally makes it much easier for the hens to reach the nest.

Важливі переваги

  • much improved environment in the house;
  • low jump height of only 280 mm makes reaching the nest easy for the hens and increases nest acceptance;
  • bird-friendly system that is good for the environment;
  • very reliable system with safety switches;
  • regular manure removal over the entire batch reduces ammonia emissions;
  • much lower risk of flies and bugs;
  • corrosion-resistant substructure made of stainless steel;
  • floor underneath the slat level is easy to clean after the batch while the manure belt is wound around the drum;
  • complicated installation of a manure cross channel is not necessary;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • simple installation.


  • «Ми були в захваті від гнізда Relax 2.0»

    Міністр сільського господарства Угорщини на церемонії відкриття дев'яти корпусів для утримання батьківського стада

    Габор Кисел, міністр Іштван Надь і член парламенту Тібор Погачаш (зліва направо) передають нові корпуси в користування Угорське підприємство Bro-Bio-Tojás Kft. групи компаній Bro-Ker-Bét інвестувала в майбутнє, побудувавши дев'ять нових приміщень для утримання батьківського стада, які розташовані 50 км на південний схід від Будапешта. При цьому чотири корпуси відведені для вирощування особин…


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