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Insect farming

Sustainable turnkey solutions for insect farming

Do you want to diversify your business and open up new fields of activity? Have you considered insect farming in this context? Insects have great potential to refine side streams from the agri and food industry efficiently, providing proteins for pets, livestock and aquaculture. Better Insect Solutions (BIS) is your perfect partner!

BIS plans and realises complete insect farms, including buildings, insect housing (crates etc.), the feed kitchen and systems for climate control as well as air cleaning with heat recovery. The solutions are specially adapted to the larvae of the black soldier fly.

The insect larvae can either be fed live to animals or be processed further. In addition to the larvae, a large amount of frass is produced, which can be used as a high-quality fertiliser or for energy generation in biogas plants.

BIS offers solutions for both agricultural and industrial applications. Experts will advise you from the start, creating a concept that perfectly meets your requirements based on a modular system. Small production facilities with an annual volume of 1,000 to 2,000 tonnes of fresh black soldier fly larvae can be implemented just as well as larger farms with an annual production of more than 30,000 tonnes.

Better Insect Solutions and Big Dutchman

Better Insect Solutions is a joint brand of Inno+, Skov and Big Dutchman. All three companies are leading technology suppliers in their different branches of the agribusiness and complement each other’s product ranges perfectly. Click here to download information material.


EuroTier 2022: Insect farming as an additional money-making enterprise for farmers

Just in time for EuroTier in Hanover, Better Insect Solutions and FarmInsect have signed a cooperation agreement (hall 21, stand F21). The goal: establishing insect farming as an additional…

Insect division of Big Dutchman group equips Enorm Biofactory

The Enorm Biofactory in Hvirring (Denmark) has now been inaugurated during an Open House event on St Nicholas’ Day. On the new 22,000 square metre farm, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) will be bred…


If you are interested in our turnkey solutions for insect farming, please contact Julius Hamelmann to learn more:

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