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NATURA Nova & NATURA Nova Barn

Our classic systems for bird well-being, functionality and efficiency for organic, free range and barn egg production

The NATURA aviary system was designed with a focus on bird welfare, without compromising functionality and efficiency, which are very important to egg producers. The laying hens easily find their way around NATURA aviaries, can exhibit their natural behaviour and lay their eggs in optimally designed nests. Such requirements are met by NATURA Nova and NATURA Nova Barn in an ideal manner, but this does not prevent Big Dutchman from further developing and optimising the systems. 

Belangrijke voordelen

NATURA Nova is our aviary classic. It is characterised by the bottom nest and the feed and water sources all being on the same level. Naturally, this design has been re-used for the newly developed NATURA Nova Barn system. 

  • the hens can easily reach the nest, which increases nest acceptance;
  • the farm staff use the raised connection aisle for daily bird inspection since it provides them with a good overview of the flock;
  • the stepped design makes it easy for the birds to reach the different functional areas (resting, eating and drinking, and egg laying) with short jumps;
  • 100 per cent of the house’s floor is scratching area, which provides plenty of room to move for the hens;
  • the large usable area, particularly of NATURA Nova Barn, ensures good utilisation of the house surface;
  • the manure belts below the tiers collect most of the manure and transport it out of the house, decreasing the ammonia content in the air and improving hygienic conditions;
  • the pullets quickly get used to the aviary after they are moved because water and feed are easy to find; 
  • the system is easy to close for the beginning of the batch.

NATURA Nova Barn for multi-level houses with intermediate ceiling

NATURA Nova Barn is well-suited for use in multi-level houses and also offered with an integrated intermediate ceiling. This ceiling can be made from laminated plywood or plastic panels. The entire floor on all levels is then available as usable area for the birds. The two Big Dutchman intermediate ceiling types do not require additional longitudinal supports, so the airflow under the ceiling is improved because there are no obstructions. Two- and three-level houses are already a Big Dutchman standard. Four levels are possible upon request.

Advantages of the plastic ceiling

  • the panels are made from polypropylene and therefore absolutely resistant to water, i.e. wet cleaning with a highpressure washer is not a problem;
  • the panels are manufactured to the required dimensions, saving time during assembly because no cutting is necessary on site;
  • the white underside ensures a more even light distribution in the lower level;
  • the plastic panels are fully sealed to prevent liquid from entering during cleaning, improving hygiene.


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