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Camera-based pig counting during moving – fully automatic and with a minimum accuracy of 99.9%

Do you count your pigs – be it piglets or finishers – manually when moving them to a different location? Then you know how timeconsuming this process can be. It can also be annoying and inaccurate. With SmartCounting, this task is a thing of the past. Big Dutchman can offer an innovative solution which counts your animals fully automatically.

The hardware consists of a camera and the controller and can be installed either in the house in a fixed location, or be taken from building to building as required. Counting starts and stops at the push of a button.

Важливі переваги

  • time-saving and reliable recording of all pigs, with a minimum accuracy of 99.9 %;
  • real-time count can be tracked on the controller or smartphone;
  • video of the count for full transparency and absolute certainty;
  • easy installation;
  • user-friendly operation;
  • no internet access required during the count;
  • no financial losses due to incorrect pig numbers;
  • patented counting system.

My Big Dutchman

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