- cw
- cw | clockwise
- cw | sentido horario
- zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara
- cw
- cable
- cable clamp
- cable connector
- cable drum
- cable for valve
- cable grommet
- cable shaft
- cable tie
- cage
- cage area
- cage eggs
- cage management
- cage partitions
- cage row
- cage section
- cage weighing
- calcium source dispenser
- call for tenders
- can
- cannibalism
- canopy
- cap
- cap nut
- capacitator
- capacitive
- capacity
- caption
- carcass
- carcass container
- carcass disposal plant
- carcass grading
- carcass value
- carcass weight
- carcass yield
- cardan drive
- Cardan joint
- carrier
- carrier
- carry-over
- case
- cast iron
- cast iron flooring
- castle nut
- castrated male
- castration
- catching cage
- catwalk
- catwalk support
- cause of disease
- CCM feeding
- CCM metering system
- ceiling height
- ceiling inlet
- cell disruption
- central adjustment
- central aisle
- central extraction
- central heating
- central mixed air
- central ring sheet
- Central Technologies
- centre-to-centre distance
- centrifugal force
- centrifugal governor
- centrifugal pump
- chain
- chain circuit
- chain feeding system
- chain glider
- chain guard
- chain joint
- chain link
- chain speed
- chain tensioner
- chain tensioner
- chain wheel
- Chamber of Agriculture
- chamfer
- chamfer
- characteristic curve
- check
- check-up walk
- checks
- cheese head screw
- chew ball
- chick
- chick bridge
- chick cone
- chick drinker
- chick fount
- chick paper
- chick ramp
- chick remover
- chicken
- chicken feet
- Chief Engineer
- chief fitter
- chimney
- chimney cowl
- chimney fan
- chips
- choker valve
- chopper
- circuit breaker
- circular feeder
- circulation fan
- circulation pump
- circulatory problems
- Claims Management
- clamp
- clamping nut
- clamping piece
- clamping plate
- clamping profile
- clamping steel
- clamping strip
- class
- claw
- claw
- claw shortener
- clay trough
- clay trough
- clean gas
- cleaner
- cleaning
- cleaning agent
- cleaning nozzle
- cleaning robot
- cleaning stage
- clearance
- climate chamber
- climate computer
- climate control
- climate cover
- climate curve
- climbing drive
- clip
- clip
- clip for top wire mesh
- clip on
- cloaca
- closed combustion process
- closed house
- closing ball
- closing system
- clump
- coagulant
- coated
- coating sheet
- cock
- code
- coil
- coil cradle
- coil spring
- collapsible
- collapsible grille
- collar bush
- collar for drinker
- collecting box for dirt
- collecting conveyor
- collecting hopper
- colony cage
- colony nest
- colony-forming unit
- colostrum
- colour abrasion
- colour marking
- colour temperature
- column for lift
- comb
- combination
- combination pliers
- combination wrench
- combined heat and power plant
- CombiTunnel ventilation
- command-economy
- commercial brooder
- commercial egg
- commercial fertilizer
- commercial layer
- compact construction unit
- compact transformer station
- compartment
- compartmentalised house
- compensation piece
- compensation plate
- competitor
- complaint
- complete unit
- Complete-Mixed-System
- composting
- comprehensive
- compressed air pistol
- compression fitting
- compression spring
- compressor
- computer
- computer control
- computer-controlled
- conception rate
- concrete floor
- concrete resting area
- condensation
- conditioner
- conductivity
- conical screw mixer
- connected load
- connecting branch
- connecting dimensions
- connecting flange
- connecting piece
- connecting plate
- connecting unit
- connection
- connection
- connection
- connection
- connection board
- connection cable
- connection channel
- connection material
- connection of drinker
- connection profile
- connection set
- connection shaft
- connection to earth
- connection tube
- connection voltage
- connector
- connectorized
- consult with
- consultation
- contact breaker
- contact element
- contact surfaces
- contactor
- container guide
- contents
- continuous
- continuous
- continuous drinking trough
- continuous solid floor
- contract finisher
- contract finishing
- contractions
- contribution margin
- control
- control
- control
- control
- control cabinet
- control of mixing chamber
- control pan
- control principle
- control segment
- control signal
- control technology
- control unit
- control unit
- control unit
- control unit
- control window
- controlled feeding
- convection heater
- conversion kit
- converter
- conveying
- conveying auger
- conveying capacity
- conveying direction
- conveying pipe
- conveying speed
- conveying system
- conveying system
- conveyor
- conveyor belt
- conveyor cable
- conveyor chain
- conveyor system
- CoolBox
- cooling for carcasses
- cooling liquid
- cordless screwdriver
- core
- corner drive
- corner hopper
- corner piece
- corner rail
- corner support
- corporate advertising
- corrugated bottom
- cost estimate
- cost price
- cost-effectiveness
- cost-efficient
- cough
- cough
- counter nut
- counterclockwise
- counterflow cooler
- countersunk drilling
- countersunk rivet
- countersunk screw
- countersunk washer
- counterweight
- couple angle
- coupler
- coupling for post
- coupling half
- cover
- cover
- cover
- cover
- cover /receptacle seat
- cover for feed trough
- cover sheet
- covering letter
- covering ring
- cpl.
- cracked and hairline-cracked eggs
- cracked egg
- cracked shell
- crank extension
- crankcase ventilator
- cranked
- crash barrier
- crate
- credit note
- creep feed
- crop
- crop dusting
- cross auger
- cross belt
- cross belt channel
- cross brace
- cross breeding
- cross collection
- cross connection
- cross conveying auger
- cross conveyor
- cross conveyor
- cross flow
- cross flow scrubber
- cross hairs
- cross member
- cross partition
- cross penning
- cross section
- cross section drawing
- cross section of tube
- cross trough
- cross-flow heat exchanger
- cross-fostering
- cross-head screw
- crossbreed
- crosstip screwdriver
- CrossTunnel ventilation
- crumbles
- cryptorchidism
- cull
- cull sow
- culled
- cup drinker
- cup hook
- cure time
- current
- current sink
- current source
- curtain
- curtain strips
- curtain tube
- curtain-sided house
- curve conveyor
- curve conveyor belt
- curved
- customer demand
- Customer Engineering
- Customer Solutions
- customs clearance
- cut
- cut length
- cut-off
- cut-off grinder
- cut-out
- cutter knife
- cutters
- cutting list
- cutting torch
- cw