- rack and pinion
- rack and pinion drive
- radial fan
- radiator
- radius disk
- rail
- rail for top wire mesh
- rain blind
- raised head screw
- raised system
- raised training slats
- range
- range of indication
- range of products
- rapid action hose coupling
- ratchet
- ratchet lock
- rate of lay
- ratio
- readily mounted
- ready for publication (after correction)
- ready to be connected
- ready to brood
- ready to enter the market
- ready-to-slaughter
- real-air principle
- rearing
- rearing
- rearing and heavier poultry
- rearing area
- rearing aviary
- rearing battery
- rearing cage
- rearing cage
- rearing centre
- rearing house
- rearing pen
- rearing performance
- rearing phase
- rearing result
- rebuilding
- receipt
- recipe
- reciprocating compressor
- recirculating air
- recirculation flap
- recirculation gap
- recirculation unit
- recommended retail price
- recovery compartment
- recruitment advertisement
- rectangular tube
- rectum
- recyclate
- red meat
- reducing bush
- reel
- reference
- reference farm
- reference price
- reference value
- refinement
- reflection light scanner
- refrigerated air dryer
- refrigerated truck
- refurbish
- refurbishment
- register
- regular trough
- regulating flap
- reinforced
- reinforced feed trough
- reinforcing
- reinforcing crease
- reinforcing post
- reinforcing profile
- relay
- relay switch
- release clutch
- release station
- reliable
- relief
- remaining amount
- remaining feed
- remains
- remote access
- remote control
- remote maintenance
- remote release
- removable
- removal
- repair switch
- replacement part
- reproduction
- reproductive capability
- requirements
- rescue gap
- reserve for
- reset device
- residual current device
- residue treatment
- residue-free feeding
- resistance
- respective doses
- respective needs
- respiratory muscles
- respiratory organ
- resting area
- resting area
- restricted
- restricted feeding
- resubmission overview
- retainer hook
- retaining bracket
- retaining ring
- retool
- retrieve
- retrofit
- retrofit kit
- return
- return side of the circuit
- return stop
- return to heat
- reversible
- reversible flow filter
- revolution
- ribbed tube
- ribbon cable
- ridge
- ridge flap
- right
- right of retention
- right of set-off
- right-angled
- right-hand execution
- ring line
- ring sheet
- ring terminal
- ringdie press
- ringer
- rinse water tank
- rip saw
- risk of injury
- rivet
- rock drill
- rod
- rod conveyor
- rod conveyor
- rodent
- roll-out area
- roller
- roller
- roller bearer
- roller chain
- roller curtain
- roller laminated tube
- roller rail
- rolling-off distance
- roof
- roof chimney
- roof covering
- roof duct
- roof sheet
- roof slope
- room
- rope guard
- rope guide
- rope layer
- rope release
- rope sheave
- rotary feeder
- roughage
- round auger
- round drinker
- round head
- round sieve
- rounded
- RP (refurbished)
- rpm feedback
- rubber apron
- rubber gasket
- rubber seal
- run
- run straight
- running gear
- running metre
- running temperature
- runt
- runtime
- rush hours
- rust
- rust through
- rye