- dabble
- daily ration
- daily weight gain
- dam
- damper
- danger
- danger of infection
- danger sign
- danger: hot surface
- dangerous to s.o.'s health
- dark house
- dark phase
- data
- data backup
- data cable
- data gathering
- data on the environment
- data protection officer
- data retrieval
- day hopper
- day silo
- day-old chicks
- day-old-to-death
- daylight
- dead animals
- dead shipment
- debeaking shears
- debit(ing)
- deburr
- decal
- decentrally mixed air
- decentrally recirculating air
- decomposition
- decomposition
- deep litter
- deep litter house
- deep pit house
- deep-drawn
- deep-drawn trough
- deep-groove ball bearing
- defect
- deflector
- deflector
- degree of finish
- delay time
- delete
- delivery note
- delivery period
- delivery pipe
- delivery pressure
- delivery pump
- delivery side
- delivery volume
- delta connection
- demand sensor
- Department of Agriculture
- depopulation of hens
- deposit
- depreciation
- descent
- description
- design
- design
- designated use
- desludging
- detachable front
- detent pawl
- determine
- develop
- device
- dew point
- dewclaw
- diagnosis
- diagonal bracing
- diagonal farrowing pen
- dial-type crane scale
- diaphragm valve
- diarrhea
- diecasting
- dietary factors
- differential pressure
- diffuse fresh air supply system
- diffuser
- digest
- digestate
- digester
- digestibility
- digestible
- digestion
- digit
- digital display
- digital input
- dimensions
- dimmable
- dimmer
- dimout curtain
- DIP switch
- direct combustion
- direct current
- direct debit
- direct intervention well
- direct removal
- direct traction
- direction of rotation
- directional beam
- Directive for the Protection of Laying Hens
- dirt belt
- dirty egg
- disassembled
- disc
- discharge
- discharge auger
- discharge flowrate
- discharge guard function
- discharge hopper
- discharge point
- discharging auger
- disease
- disinfectant
- disinfecting mat
- disinfection
- dispensing speed
- displaced volume
- displacement pump
- disposable syringe
- disposal
- dispose of manure
- distance piece
- distorted
- distortion-free
- distributed evenly
- distributing auger
- distributing pipe
- distributing system
- distribution
- distribution license
- distribution system
- distributor
- district heating
- disturbance-prone
- DN
- docking
- does not require a lot of care and maintenance
- doghouse
- domed (cap) nut
- door fittings
- door hook
- door post
- door to open run
- DOS nipple
- dosage tube
- dosing auger
- dosing container
- dosing device
- dosing flap
- dosing hopper
- dosing lever
- dosing wheel shaft
- double hex ring spanner
- double occupancy
- double spiral
- double tube clip
- double-walled
- double-walled and insulated
- dowel
- down
- downtime
- draff
- drain
- drain hole
- drain pipe
- draining away the dung and urine
- draw in
- draw in
- draw-off tap
- draw-off valve
- drawback
- drawbar
- drawing in
- Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles
- drill
- drill
- drill
- drill bit
- drill hole
- drilling hammer
- drilling screw
- drinker
- drinker line
- drinker pipe
- drinker rinsing system
- drinker set
- drinker system
- drinking bowl
- drinking bowl for piglets
- drinking bowl on the ground
- drinking cup
- drinking facilities
- drip channel
- drip cup
- drip lubricator
- drip tray
- drip trough
- drip water trough
- dripping water
- drive
- drive
- drive column
- drive guide shoe
- drive pinion
- drive power
- drive roller
- drive shaft
- drive unit
- drive wheel
- drive wheel
- drive-out aid
- drive-out at the front
- drives
- driving plate
- driving plates
- driving power
- drop latch
- drop pipe
- droplet separator
- drum cleaner
- dry feed
- dry feed mixer
- dry feeder
- dry feeding
- dry matter
- dry matter content
- dry running
- dry sow feed
- dry sow house
- dual purpose tank
- duck
- duck finishing
- duck production
- duckling
- duct
- due date
- dung
- dung water
- dunging and urine grid
- dunging grid
- dust
- dust bath
- dust bathing
- dust deposit
- dust mask
- dust- and water-proof
- dyspnoea