- Kundenmanagement [neuter]
- Customer Solutions
- отдел реализации проектов
- Service Solutions-Techniques-Clients [masculine]
- S-hook
- saddle clamp
- safety cage
- safety components
- safety contrivance
- safety extra-low voltage
- safety function NO
- safety guard
- safety mechanism
- safety retainer
- safety switch
- safety symbol
- sag
- Sales
- sales coordinator
- sales executive
- sales promotion
- sales representative
- sales target
- sales territory
- sales-promoting
- salesperson
- salmonellosis
- SAN article
- sandwich panel
- sanitation unit
- sarcoptic mange
- savings
- scale for aisle
- scantling
- schematic
- Scientific Veterinary Committee
- scrape building
- scraper
- scraper
- scraper floor
- scraper profile
- scraping
- scratching
- scratching area
- scratching area
- scratching post
- screen
- screen
- screen
- screw
- screw
- screw clamp
- screw coach
- screw compressor
- screw down
- screw down
- screw nipple
- screw plug
- screw press separator
- screw together
- screwdriver
- screwed-in guide shoe
- screwing
- screwless snap-on system
- seal
- seal housing
- seal of quality
- sealed
- sealing
- sealing brush
- sealing lip
- sealing part
- sealing plate
- sealing plate
- sealing ring
- sealing strip
- sealing tape
- sealing washer
- seat
- seat for foot
- section
- section change
- section length
- secure foothold
- security battery
- segment
- select
- selection
- selection area
- selector switch
- self-cleaning
- self-drilling tapping screw
- self-feeding service
- self-locking counter nut
- self-preservation
- self-priming
- self-supporting
- self-tapping screw
- semen
- semi-automatic
- semi-liquid manure reservoir
- sensitivity
- sensor
- sensor feeding
- sensor rod
- separated by sex
- separating plate
- separating ridge height
- separating wire mesh
- separation of feed
- serial interface
- series of experiments
- service area
- service cabinet
- service case
- service crate
- service life
- servomotor
- servomotor for throttle valve
- set off
- set up
- set value
- settable eggs
- sexual maturity
- shackle
- shaded
- shaft
- shaft retainer
- shaft seal ring
- sham chewing
- share of cracked eggs
- shear pin
- sheet casing
- sheet metal
- sheet metal bearing
- sheet metal perch
- sheet metal ring
- sheet metal silo
- sheet metal support
- sheet thickness
- shell egg
- shelter
- shield profile
- ship chain
- short-time work
- show room
- showering facility
- shut-off valve
- shutter
- shutter
- shutter opening device
- side cutter
- side flap
- side impact protection system
- side mode
- side piece
- side plate
- side rail
- side view
- side wall
- sidewall belt conveyor
- signal
- signal lamp
- silencer
- silo
- silo boot
- silo leg
- silo ring
- silo scale
- simultaneity factor
- simultaneous feeding
- single laying nest
- single pipe clamp
- single stall
- single-component feeding
- single-handed locking (EHV)
- single-phase
- single-phase current
- single-phase network
- sinusoidal filter
- skeletal size
- skeletal structure
- skeleton frame
- sketch
- skimmed milk
- slackening length
- slant
- slat
- slat level
- slats
- slatted floor
- slaughter
- slaughter weight
- slaughterhouse
- slaughterhouse waste
- slaughtering criteria
- sleeve
- sleeve socket
- slewing belt
- slide on
- slide valve
- slider
- sliding coupler
- sliding door
- sliding element
- sliding grating
- sliding shut-off
- slit
- slope
- slope auger
- sloped
- sloping
- sloping, rough surface
- slot headed screw
- slotted
- slow-acting fuse
- slurry
- slurry channel
- slurry pit
- slurry pump
- small group housing
- small quantity dosing device
- smooth
- smooth
- smooth inner surface
- smoothly
- snakelight
- snap
- snap
- snap hook
- snap-action mechanism
- snap-on system
- snout
- snout disc
- snout-operated door
- soak
- soaking/cleaning system
- socket
- socket
- socket set
- socket spanner
- socle
- soft-face hammer
- soft-shelled egg
- software
- soil conditioner
- soiling of drinking water
- sojourn time
- solenoid valve
- solid matter
- solid-liquid separation
- solid-to-void ratio
- solvent vapour
- sorting
- sorting board
- sorting out
- sorting scale
- sound button
- sound level
- sound-absorbing profile
- soup hen
- sow
- sow arena
- sow cubicle
- sow herd
- sow house
- sow management
- sow manager
- sow on heat
- sow planner
- sow shower
- sow stall
- sow with piglets
- soybean meal
- space bar
- space saving
- spacer bar
- spacing of trusses
- spare parts
- spare parts list
- spare parts management
- spare parts warehouse
- spatula
- special fabrication
- special feature
- special voltage
- specific fan power
- speed
- speed
- speed controller
- spent hen
- spin feeder
- spiral
- spiral filter press
- spirit level
- splash and dirty water proof
- splash water
- splay leg
- splint pin
- splint pin
- spray cooling
- spray gun
- spread slurry
- spreader disc
- spreading
- spreading of semi-liquid manure
- spring
- spring cotter
- spring dowel sleeve
- spring plate
- spring return
- spring tension
- spring washer
- spur-geared motor
- square
- square tube
- square-head screw
- stabilising bow
- staff door
- stage of research
- stainless steel
- stainless steel mountings
- stainless steel nipple
- stainless steel wire thread
- stall
- stand
- stand
- stand-alone
- standard equipment
- standard system
- standard version
- standing reflex
- Standing Veterinary Committee
- star connection
- star delta control
- star knob
- star quad
- start laying
- start tier
- start valve
- Starter
- starter ball
- starter feeds
- starter set
- state of health
- stay bar
- steel rope
- steel runner
- steel spring
- steel-plate
- steep water
- step-access
- step-by-step
- step-on rail
- sticker
- stillage
- stillage
- stillbirth
- stillborn
- stirring element
- stirrup plate
- stock
- stock boar
- stocking density
- stocking number
- stop plate
- storage tank
- storage tank
- storage-stable
- storm bracing
- storm bracing
- stove bolt
- strain
- strain
- straining screw
- strap
- straps
- straw
- straw bedding concept
- straw channel
- straw conveying system
- straw dispenser
- straw pellet
- straw robot
- strawless pen
- stress
- stretch film
- stringy meat
- stroke length
- structural standards
- stud
- sub-branch
- subcutaneous fat
- subject to alteration
- submersible pump
- suboestrus
- subsequent finishing
- substructure
- substructure
- suckle
- suckling period
- suckling pig
- suckling pig
- suction head
- suction pipe
- sudden-descent protector
- suitability for tropical climates
- suitable to a limited extent
- sultry
- summary
- summer/winter flaps
- supervisor
- Supervisory Board
- supplement
- supplementary feeding
- supply
- supply area
- supply industry
- supply unit
- supply voltage
- supply with water
- supply-only system
- support
- support
- support
- support
- support
- support angle
- support bracket
- support for manure belt
- support hook
- support plate
- support post
- support socle
- supporting angle
- supporting element
- supporting plate
- supporting plate
- supporting profile
- surcharge
- susceptible to
- suspend
- suspended matter
- suspension
- suspension
- suspension chain
- suspension cord
- suspension eye
- suspension for bottom wire grille
- suspension rope
- sustainability
- swallowtail
- sway
- swine
- swine dysentery (SD)
- swine fever
- swine influenza
- swirl body
- switch box
- switch connection
- switch interval
- switch lug
- switching a fan on or off
- swivelling breather unit
- symptom
- synchronisation of farrowing
- syndrome
- synthetic material
- syringe
- system egg
- system egg collection
- system row
- system weight