- Dehnungskupplung [feminine]
- expansion coupler
- acoplamiento de dilatación [masculine] | acoplador de expansión [masculine]
- расширительная муфта [feminine]
- raccord d'expansion [masculine]
- early pregnancy sow
- earth cable
- ease of operation
- easy assembly
- easy on the environment
- easy to maintain
- easy to use
- eating area
- eating behaviour
- eating window
- eaves
- eccentric screw pump
- ectoparasite
- eczema
- edge
- edged
- effective
- efficiency
- efficient
- efficient
- Egg
- egg baffle
- egg belt
- egg belt channel
- egg belt drive
- egg belt drive roller
- egg belt guide
- egg belt idler unit
- egg belt lift system
- egg belt speed
- egg channel
- egg collection
- egg collection system
- egg counter
- egg cross collection
- egg deposit
- egg fencing wire
- egg grader
- egg grating
- egg laying
- egg mass
- egg pack
- egg packaging
- egg producer
- egg production
- egg production
- egg products
- egg slide strip
- egg tray
- egg trolley
- egg white
- egg yolk
- ejaculation
- ejection guard
- elastic ribbon
- elbow
- elbow hose
- electric anti-roost unit
- electric circuit diagram
- electric fencer
- electric hand drill
- electric installation material
- electric screwdriver
- electrical tape
- electrofusion welding unit
- electronic identification
- electronic identification tag
- electronic sow feeding (ESF) system
- electronic weighing
- elevated resting zone
- elevating conveyor
- elevating conveyor
- elevating conveyor belt
- elevator
- elevator B = belt
- elevator belt
- emergency opening
- emergency power generator
- emergency slaughter
- emergency stop
- emergency stop button
- emission
- emplaning
- empty nest
- empty sensor
- enclosed
- end anchor
- end cap
- end cap of the trough
- end connection piece
- end cushioning
- end of belt
- end of the row
- end piece
- end piece
- end set
- end set dimensions
- end set stillage
- end weight
- endless welded
- endoparasite
- energy consumption
- energy-saving light bulb
- Engineering
- enrichable
- enriched cage
- enrichment material
- enteric infection
- entitled to receive feed
- entrance door seat
- entrance roll
- environment control
- environmental compatibility
- environmental impairment
- environmental test chamber
- environmentally beneficial
- epidemic
- epidemics control
- epidemiology
- equipment
- equipment
- equipment label
- equipment supplier
- equipped with
- eradiction of salmonella
- erection
- error log
- errors excepted
- erysipelas
- ESF station
- Eternit
- ethological needs
- EU declaration of conformity
- evaporative cooling
- even number
- even with
- ex works
- exchanger bundle
- exchanger element
- execution
- execution of an order
- exhaust air
- exhaust air channel
- exhaust air chimney
- exhaust air extraction
- exhaust air fan
- exhaust air flap
- exhaust air pipe
- exhaust air side
- exhaust air system
- exhaust air tower
- exhaust air ventilator
- exhaust shaft
- exhaust unit
- exit
- expansion coupler
- expansion gap
- expansion tank
- expansion-bellow
- expel system
- expenditure of energy
- expenses
- exploded view
- extend
- extensible
- extension
- extension unit
- extensive research
- extensive testing
- extra costs
- extract
- extraction
- extruder
- exudative
- exudative epidermitis
- exudative meat
- eye
- eye bolt