- Futterumlauf [masculine] | Fütterungsumlauf [masculine] | Umlauf [masculine] | Futterstrang [masculine]
- feed circuit | feed loop
- circuito de alimentación [masculine] | circuito alimentador [masculine]
- obieg paszy
- кольцевая (кормо)линия [feminine] | контур (кормления) [masculine] | кольцевой кормопровод [masculine]
- circuit d'alimentation [masculine] | tour d'alimentation [masculine] | circuit [masculine]
- circuito [masculine] | circuito di alimentazione [masculine]
- face
- fairgrounds
- fallow land
- false ceiling
- false wall
- fan
- fan convector
- fan group
- fan nozzle
- farm
- farm area
- farm computer
- farm efficiency
- farm expenses
- farm income
- farm management
- farm manager
- farm packer
- farm profits
- farm rationalization
- farm size
- farm structure
- farmer
- farrow
- farrowing
- farrowing area
- farrowing crate
- farrowing frame
- farrowing house
- farrowing interval
- farrowing pen
- farrowing pen
- farrowing rail
- fast feeding
- fast-acting fuse
- fastener round
- fastening
- fastening clip
- fastening frame
- fastening holes
- fastening material
- fastening point
- fastening ring
- fat
- fat-to-meat ratio
- fattened poultry
- fattening ability
- fattening animals
- fattening efficiency
- fattening feed
- fattening ration
- fattening result
- faulty design
- feather key
- feather pecking
- feed
- feed additives
- feed aisle
- feed allocator
- feed analysis
- feed auger
- feed cart
- feed chain
- feed circuit
- feed cleaner
- feed column
- feed conservation
- feed consumption
- feed conversion
- feed costs
- feed curve
- feed demand
- feed demand sensor
- feed discharge
- feed dispenser
- feed distribution
- feed distribution system
- feed drop pipe
- feed duct
- feed entrainment
- feed expenditure
- feed grain
- feed hopper
- feed hose
- feed ingredients
- feed intake
- feed intake plan
- feed kitchen
- feed level adjuster
- feed level sensor
- feed level slide
- feed line
- feed line
- feed meter
- feed mill
- feed mixture
- feed outlet
- feed outlet slide
- feed pan
- feed pipe
- feed pipe
- feed preparation
- feed producer
- feed pump
- feed quantity
- feed recirculation
- feed remains
- feed report
- feed return wheel
- feed sensor
- feed shutter
- feed spiral
- feed storage
- feed supplement
- feed supply
- feed supply
- feed table
- feed trough
- feed trough
- feed type
- feed type
- feed valve
- feed wastage
- feed weigher
- feed-saving lip
- feedback potentiometer
- feeder
- feeder
- feeding computer
- feeding control contact
- feeding machinery
- feeding mode
- feeding number
- feeding of suckling pigs
- feeding pen
- feeding process
- feeding space
- feeding space divider
- feeding station
- feeding system
- feeding time
- feeding time control
- feeding window
- feedlot feeding
- feet
- fencing wire
- fermentation
- fermentation substrate
- fertility performance
- fertilizer
- fever chart
- fibre optic cable
- field of activity
- field people
- figure
- figured effect
- file a claim
- file an application
- fill bow
- fill tube
- filler
- filling and breather pipes
- filling connector
- filling doors
- filling pipe
- filling pressure
- filling station
- filling volume
- filter bank
- filter cartridge
- filter face velocity
- filter mat
- filter pressure regulator
- filter pressure regulator station
- fin heater
- fin system
- final growing period
- final weight
- Finance & Controlling
- financial accounting
- fine adjustment
- fine parts separator
- fine-meshed
- finger wheel
- finger wheel transfer
- fingerprint sensor
- finish
- finished
- finished goods
- finishing house
- finishing pen
- finishing pig
- finishing pig
- finishing pig place
- finishing room
- finishing unit
- fire insurance
- fish meal
- fish tank
- fit
- fitter's hammer
- fitting
- fix
- fixed hub
- fixing plate
- fixing strap
- flame guard
- flame monitoring
- flange
- flange
- flange
- flange bearing
- flange inlet
- flange plate
- flange ring
- flanged
- flap
- flap box
- flap regulator
- flat chain
- flat deck
- flat fuse
- flat gasket
- flat head tapping screw
- flat nut
- flat slide valve
- flat steel
- flat steel
- flat steel bracket
- flat-nosed pliers
- flesh
- flexible silo
- flexible tube
- flicker-free
- float ball
- float tank
- float tank
- float valve
- floating floor
- flock
- flooded
- flooding mechanism
- flooding slide
- floor conveyor
- floor egg prevention system
- floor heating
- floor slope
- floor-laid egg
- flow direction
- flow meter
- flow protection
- flow rate
- flow regulator
- flowability
- flowing and spreading qualities
- fluctuations in price
- flue gas exhaust
- flue gas filter
- fluorescent tube
- fluorescent tube
- flushing breather
- flushing outlet
- flushing system
- flute groove
- fly protection
- FO grille
- fogger
- fogging nozzle
- foil hose
- fold down
- foldable scraper
- folding rule
- food industry
- food safe
- foot
- foot
- foot lesions
- foot pad dermatitis
- foot switch
- footpad dermatitis
- for the attention of
- forage
- forage crop
- forage maize
- foraging tower
- forced ventilation
- foreign matter separator
- foreign object
- fork stacker
- forward
- forward side of the circuit
- four areas
- fowl breeding
- fowl plague
- frame
- frame end
- frame for tension shaft
- framework construction
- frass
- frass handling
- free domicile
- free from contamination
- free range egg production
- free space
- free-access stall
- free-movement farrowing pen
- free-movement pen
- free-range
- free-range eggs
- freedom farrowing
- freight costs
- frequency regulator
- frequency transformer
- fresh air
- fresh air chimney
- fresh air distribution
- fresh air distributor
- fresh air filter
- fresh air inlet
- fresh air supply
- fresh air temperature
- fresh air unit
- fresh meat
- fresh water
- fresh water tank
- from the factory
- front
- front
- front edge
- front grid
- front location
- front profile
- front sheet
- front view
- fuel
- fuel oil
- full sensor
- full-space heating
- fully automatic
- fully slatted flooring
- fully-fledged
- fully-slatted house
- function key
- functional reliability
- functional specifications
- functioning
- fuse
- fuse has been activated
- fuses and terminal power connection to separate panel
- future-oriented