- präzise Tierhaltung
- Precision Livestock Farming
- élevage en précision [masculine] | élevage de précision [masculine]
- package
- packaged goods
- packaging
- packing
- packing list
- pad cooling system
- paddle system
- pair of side cutters and bolt cutters
- pallet
- pan feeding system
- pan head screw
- pan rim
- pan-head tapping screw
- Pancake gas brooder
- pant
- parallel action
- parameter
- paramount importance
- parasite infestation
- parity
- part
- part-time farming
- part-turn valve actuator
- partial depletion
- partition
- partition grid
- partition system
- partly slatted floor
- parts overview list
- passage
- passage grating
- passage hole
- passing of risk
- patent application
- patent claim
- patent rights
- patented
- pathogenic
- pause time
- payment period
- payroll accounting
- peak load
- pecking
- pedestal bearing
- PEF system
- Pekin duck
- pellet cooler
- pellet mill
- pellet plant
- pellet stove
- pelleting
- pen
- pen bracing
- pen door
- pen lining
- pen post
- pen profile
- pen walls
- pendulum
- pendulum curtain
- pendulum flap
- penning system
- per capita consumption
- perch
- perching profile
- perforated air channel
- perforated ceiling
- performance
- performance indication
- performance test
- period of twilight
- peristaltic pump
- perpendicular
- phase feeding
- phase feeding
- phase out
- phytase
- pickle
- Pig
- pig
- pig and poultry production
- pig crop
- pig delivery
- pig ear tag
- pig farm
- pig farmer
- pig fattening
- pig feeding systems
- pig finisher
- pig herd
- pig house
- pig influenza
- pig keeper
- pig manure
- pig market
- pig price
- pig producer
- pig producer
- pig production
- pig raising
- pig unit
- piggery facilities
- piglet
- piglet access door
- piglet cover
- piglet drinker
- piglet feeder with drinker
- piglet loss
- piglet nest
- piglet production
- piglet rearing
- piglet saver
- piglet scour
- piglet starter feed
- piglets per litter
- piglets' trough
- pilot
- pilot
- pilot
- pilot farm
- pilot production
- piloting
- pin
- pin
- pin punch
- pin together
- pipe chain
- pipe cleaning
- pipe clip
- pipe cutter
- pipe discharge
- pipe manifold
- pipe rinsing
- pipe wrench
- piping
- piston
- piston rod
- piston seal
- pivot point
- pivoting unit
- plain bearing
- plaited
- plan
- plan
- plan of terminal connections
- planks
- planned
- planning aid
- planning details
- plastic coating
- plastic corner
- plastic divider
- plastic flooring
- plastic grid
- plastic panel
- plastic profile
- plastic sheet
- platform
- play protection
- playing chain
- playing chain swing
- playing chain with ball
- playing rotor
- playing swing
- pliers
- plough scraper
- plug
- plug screw conveyor
- Plug-Flow system
- plug-in coupling
- pluggable
- plumage
- plume
- pneumatic return valve
- pneumonia
- point of lay
- point-of-farrow sow
- polished
- pollution degree
- polymer concrete
- polymer concrete trough
- polyurethane rigid foam
- pop hole
- porcine enzootic pneumonia
- pork
- portal
- position number
- positive displacement pump
- post
- post set
- potential difference
- potentiometer
- potlife
- poultry
- Poultry
- poultry computer
- poultry equipment
- poultry farm
- poultry feed
- poultry feeding systems
- poultry growing
- poultry house
- poultry house management
- poultry manure
- poultry market
- poultry meat
- poultry population
- poultry producer
- poultry production
- poultry production
- poultry raising
- power cable
- power consumption
- power failure
- power input
- power requirement
- power supply
- power supply unit
- power take-off shaft
- practical
- pre-assembled
- pre-assembly
- pre-fabricated
- pre-filter
- pre-mixer
- pre-run
- pre-slaughter fasting
- pre-stressing
- pre-wired
- Precision Farming
- Precision Livestock Farming
- predator
- preening
- preferential price
- pregnancy area
- pregnancy calendar
- pregnancy check
- pregnant sow
- preliminary pit
- premises
- prepupa
- presort
- press release
- pressing force
- pressure
- pressure build-up
- pressure chamber
- pressure control station
- pressure control valve
- pressure joint
- pressure peak
- pressure plate
- pressure plate
- pressure reducer
- pressure regulator
- pressure regulator unit
- pressure roller
- pressure shaft
- pressure-resistant
- prestarter
- pretension
- prevent build-ups of deposits
- prevention
- preventive medication
- price list
- prickly grass
- print-out
- printed circuit board (PCB)
- printed patent
- private
- procedure
- process
- process
- producers' association
- product discontinuation notification
- product management
- product manager
- product requirements
- production
- production branch of a farm
- production crate
- production data
- production drawing
- production method
- production numbers
- production tolerance
- productivity
- profile board
- profile cutters
- project drawing
- project planning
- prolificacy
- promote performance
- proof
- property insurer
- propped-up roll
- prospective customer
- protecting grip
- protection
- protection against corrosion
- protection against overlying
- protection against sows climbing over the partitions
- protection rating
- protective clothing
- protective cover
- protective equipment
- protective equipment
- protective grille against birds
- protective hose
- protective motor switch
- protein
- protein concentration
- protein content
- protein deficiency
- protocol print-out
- protrude
- protrusion
- provide
- provide litter
- provided by the customer
- providing ring
- proximity switch
- pull-in power
- pull-up sliding gate
- pullet
- pullet rearing
- pullets' cage
- pulley
- pulley
- pulling length
- pulse output point
- pulse pause control
- pump connection
- punch out
- pupa
- Purchasing
- pure breeding
- purebred
- purebred sow
- purlin
- purpose
- purpose
- pus
- push button
- push rod
- push-button
- pusher
- put on
- putty
- PV system