- zartes Fleisch [neuter]
- tender meat
- viande tendre [feminine]
- T-bolt hose clamp
- T-handle
- T-piece
- tab washer
- table drive
- table eggs
- table of contents
- tail
- tail biting
- take the temperature
- take to pieces
- taking of blood samples
- tank
- tank cleaner
- tank rinsing
- tank venting
- tappet
- tapping screw
- tarred tape
- taskbar
- tattoo
- tattoo pliers
- Team Coordinator
- tear-proof
- technical data
- technical details are subject to change
- technical features
- technical manual
- technical pass
- telescopic
- telescopic drop-tube
- telescopic handler
- telescopique frame
- temperate climate
- temperature controller
- temperature range
- temperature sensor
- temperature-resistant
- template
- tender meat
- tensile
- tension lever
- tension pivot
- tension ring
- tension ring with sealing ring
- tension spring
- tension unit
- tension wire
- tensioning device
- tensioning strap
- term
- terminal
- terminal
- terminal block
- terminal block
- terminal box
- terminal connecting plan
- terminal connection
- terminal for external input
- terminal strip
- terminate-and-stay-resident
- terms of payment
- test
- test bench
- test report
- test run
- test station
- tested and approved
- tethers
- textile band
- the customer is responsible for...
- thermal binding cover
- thermal conductivity
- thermal contact
- thermal flow
- thermal yield
- thermistor
- thermo sensor
- thermometer
- thickness of ceiling
- thimble
- thorn piece
- thread seal tape
- threaded hose coupling
- threaded part
- threaded rod
- threaded sleeve
- three-core connection
- three-phase
- three-phase alternating current
- three-sided bar
- throttle
- throttle disc
- throttling
- tier
- tightening torque
- tile
- tiltable
- tilting floor
- tilting nest floor
- time clock
- time control
- time delay
- time metering
- timing belt
- toggle screw
- tom turkey
- tongue and groove
- toolbar
- tooth lock washer
- tooth profile
- toothed segment
- toothed wheel
- top profile
- top tappet
- top view
- top wire mesh
- top-level management
- torque wrench
- total mixed ration
- total weight
- touch keyboard
- touchscreen
- tough meat
- traceability
- track-and-carry system for eggs
- traction bars
- traction rope
- tractive force
- trade show
- trailer
- trailing hose
- train
- training station
- transducer
- transfer container
- transfer point
- transition piece
- transition piece
- transparent
- transparent production
- transponder
- transponder inquiry
- transport belt
- transverse ventilation
- travel expenses
- treatment
- treatment
- treatment plan
- tri-bar slat
- triac
- trigger unit
- tripod
- tropicalised
- trouble-free
- trough area
- trough bottom
- trough chain conveyor
- trough feeding
- trough floater
- trough pan
- trough skirt
- trough sprayer
- trough unit
- trough-shaped
- Truarc retaining ring
- tube
- tube blank
- tube bracket
- tube circumference
- tube clip
- tube diameter
- tube feeder
- tube lamp
- tube-type wet feeder
- tubular rivet
- tunnel inlet
- turbidity
- turkey farm
- turkey growing
- turkey hen
- turkey poult
- turkey production
- turn-key
- turnbuckle
- turnkey project
- twist drill
- twisted
- two-level house
- two-wing
- ty-wrap
- type of farming
- type plate